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Why Dubai

Discover why our city is the best place to host your event

Why choose Dubai

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Welcome to the global hub of innovation and opportunity

How Dubai Business Events can support your event

The range of services available includes venue support, accommodation arrangements, crafting pre- and post-tour programmes, marketing support, press relations assistance, and facilitation of introductions to key stakeholders across Dubai. With offices in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, DBE is a member of the BestCities Global Alliance and committed to delivering unparalleled service to international business event organisers.

Are you ready to bring some of the most prestigious events to the shores of our vibrant city? Dubai Business Events is here to make your event a resounding success.

Dubai is the pro-business nexus between East and West.
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Dubai is the pro-business nexus between East and West.


Hydroponic greenhouses that use minimal soil, reduce water usage by up to 70%, and maximise crop yield, with Dubai placing a high emphasis on sustainable food production.


The world's largest single-site solar park, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, will open by 2030.


Percentage of Dubai's vehicles to be self-driving by 2030. The city also forecasts 42,000 electric cars being on its roads in the same year.

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