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Industry guides

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Our industry guides explore Dubai’s key sectors and introduce the fundamentals of doing business and investing in Dubai.

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Construction and real estate icon, Business in Dubai

Construction and real estate

Dubai’s adaptable real estate market with opportunities in warehousing, industrial and logistical real estate.

Design Media and entertainment icon, Business in Dubai

Design, media and entertainment

An innovative market that offers a gateway to the Middle East, South Asia and Africa.

Green energy icon, Business in Dubai

Energy and clean tech

Renewable energy and clean technology are a priority for Dubai’s Integrated Energy Strategy 2030.

Finance icon, Business in Dubai


As a global financial hub between East and West and the regional centre for investment and fintech.

Food and Agriculture icon, Business in Dubai

Food and agriculture

Long-term post-pandemic measures and collaboration among the public health, food, and agriculture sectors.

Health and pharmaceuticals icon, Business in Dubai

Healthcare and pharmaceuticals

Investment in high-tech healthcare and pharmaceuticals drive Dubai’s healthcare market.

Trade and logistics icon, Business in Dubai

Trade and logistics

Dubai connects the world with the latest in trade, logistics and technology.

Mobility icon, Business in Dubai


Exciting new opportunities in autonomous transport, aviation and interplanetary exploration.

shopping-bag-white icon

Construction and real estate

Dubai’s adaptable real estate market with opportunities in warehousing, industrial and logistical real estate.

Tech and ICT icon, Business in Dubai

Technology and ICT

Dubai enables emerging and existing tech companies to drive market innovation.

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Discover why Dubai is a global hub for business and investment.

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