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Guide to Dubai in January: Weather, travel tips and events

Tue, September 5, 2023

Your ultimate weather and activity guide for the first month of the year in Dubai.

Your ultimate weather and activity guide for the first month of the year in Dubai.

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What's Dubai's weather like in January?

Dubai experiences cooler temperatures in January, making it ideal for outdoor adventures and exploration.

Dubai Calendar


Daily mean

This is the average temperature in Dubai during January.

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Average high

A typical January day in Dubai will see a maximum temperature of 24°C.

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Average low

A typical January night in Dubai will see a minimum temperature of 18°C.

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Days with rain

On average, Dubai has 5.5 rainy days in January.

sun cloud icon


Hours of sun

Dubai has an average of 8.1 sunshine hours a day in January.

What's happening across Dubai in January?

January has a packed events calendar, and visitors will never be left wanting for something to do.

What else can I do in Dubai during January?

The outdoors is your oyster this month, and there’s so much to see and do in the city’s public spaces.

What are some top tips for visiting Dubai in January?

Make the most of your January trip with these suggestions.

More common questions about Dubai in January

Still have queries on what it's like to visit Dubai in January? See our answers here.

See guides for every month of the year in Dubai

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